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Toilax Micro Enema 10mg Bisacodyl (Box of 50 enemas)


BISALAX enemas are used to provide relief from constipation, or to empty the large bowel before some medical procedures, operations or X-rays.

BISALAX is a stimulant laxative. It acts on the wall of the large bowel, encouraging bowel movements by increasing muscle contractions which push the stool mass along.

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SKU: 9310717300067-1-2 Category:

Indicated in adults and children over 2 years for constipation due to confinement to bed, unaccustomed diet or change of environment.

Constipation in cases of serious diseases, circulatory disturbances and metabolic disorders; occasional use in chronic constipation; bowel re-training; postoperatively in cases of haemorrhoids and anal fissures; colostomies; preparation for radiography; preparation for sigmoidoscopy or proctoscopy; preoperative preparation; postoperative care; antepartum and postpartum constipation; and preparation for delivery.

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